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Here are additional resources that have been curated from multiple organizations and sources regarding COVID-19 and the planning of reopening schools:
COVID-19 Executive Orders FAQ
COVID-19 Return to School Toolkit (Grand Traverse County Health…
These resources can be used by schools and districts to help assess and plan for various types of remote learning:
Planning for Remote Learning Principal Checklist
MASSP’s Remote Learning Principal Checklist provides project management…
MASSP has created a toolkit featuring important resources related to the Governor's Return to School Roadmap for the 2020-21 school year. Please click on the available toolkit items to learn more.
MI Safe Schools Preparedness Plan: A “How To”…
During this unprecidented time our schools and communities need as much support as we can give them. The stress and uncertainty of the current climate can have a huge effect on our wellness and mental health. MASSP is doing its best to provide…
A circadian rhythm is anything that the body does that is based on a daily cycle. These patterns can be mental, physical, behavioral, or even emotional. The circadian rhythm is an important aspect of our well-being and can influence our sleep…
You can find all announcements, executive orders, and information from Governor Whitmer here.
Gov. Whitmer Signs Executive Order Extending Deadline to Complete Canvass of March 10 Primary
Gov. Whitmer Issues Stay At Home Order - Key Points…
You can find all memos, announcements and articles from MDE about COVID-19 here.
Social Emotional Supports in a Crisis
Food Service to Children Continues Through the “Stay Home” Order
MDE Receives Federal Wavers
MDE Spotlight on Assessment…
Below are the headlines from MASSP's daily updates regarding COVID-19:
Thursday, May 21, 2020
New EO Allows Small Gatherings, Elective Medical Procedures, Reopens Some Retail by Appointment
Leader2Leader Round 10
Leader2Leader Round 11…
For more resources, like MDE memos, the Governor's EO's, and Health and Wllness resources, check out MASSP's COVID-19 Toolkit in the Resource Center or follow the link:
MASSP's Executive Order 2020-65 Frequently Asked Questions