The SMHS is back for 2024!
Virtual Program: September 24th
Since its inception back in 2019, MASSP's Student Mental Health Summit has worked with almost 5,000 educators and students in the development of school based resources and programming around this crucial topic. Facilitating this event in a virtual capacity allows the most school teams to listen, learn and develop student-centered programming to proactively address the biggest needs of your students and staff. We will be faced with new educational and personal challenges on the horizon, specifically regarding student mental health. The SMHS seeks to provide a unique opportunity for building principals, counselors, student leadership advisers and student leaders to come together to discuss and seek solutions for student mental health concerns impacting our schools.
SMHS: What's Your Why?
Mental Wellness in the school environment is an incredibly important topic, but for a variety of reasons. Hear from some of our Michigan student leaders on WHY this topic is critical for the development of health school culture and healthier students. Then ask yourself "Whats my why?"
What Will It Look Like?
IT'S A STUDENT TAKE OVER! This year we have raised the bar on student voice and have enlisted some of the most passionate students in Michigan to help guide our discussions! This year's SMHS planning committee was led by the Michigan Student Board of Delegates to ensure proper collaboration and insight from the student lens remains our main focus. From student emcees, breakout discussion panels and student centered programming, students are leading the way during the '24 SMHS! Student attendees will feel right at home, working alongside educators and peers to make our school communities healthy and happy places to learn and grow.
Mental health and wellness remains one of the top educational priorities for our student and educators alike. In an effort to remove as many barriers as possible to this impactful conference, we have moved this program to a virtual space. Our goal is to spotlight critical areas of content, curriculum, and school based programs that every interested student or educator can access, regardless of where you live in Michigan. MASSP’s Virtual Student Mental Health Summit will provide the same incredible content, keynote speakers and dozens of new concepts and programs to use in your school building. Our virtual program also allows all participants to view every recorded keynote presentation and breakout session, as opposed to selecting from a series of concurrent presentations.
Who Should Attend?
A team of 6 from each school inclusive of: Principal, Counselor, Student Leadership Adviser and 3+ student leaders.
- SEPTEMBER 24 (9:30 AM - 2:15 PM)
Quick Agenda
Data Trends and School Assessment Survey
Kevin Fischer: Student Mental Health trends by the numbers
Better Together: Sharing Success!
Student and educator breakout rooms sharing the best of the best for student mental health ideas and programming - led by our Michigan Student Board of Delegates!
Spotlight Session: Passion to Action!
Bringing the Project Planning model to life – Best practice for successful implementation of new initiatives
Keynote Speaker
Gary McGuey, "Learn it, Live it and Give it"
Digital Resource Guide and Interactive Tools
All participants will also have access to our digital resource folder - this folder will contain all documents, handouts and PPTs from the keynote speaker as well as all breakout sessions. Also included: MENTAL HEALTH ROADMAP, MONTHLY PLANNING GUIDE AND SCHOOL BASED ACTIVITIES! Since this is a virtual event, we are also recording all breakout sessions and these will be available for participants after the conclusion of the event.
Our School Assessment Survey allows a team consisting of both educators and students alike unique perspectives, insight and ultimately, a well rounded team to address mental health in your buildings. This quick exercise is one of the most powerful components to this entire event. And this is how we begin to be proactive in our buildings. Teams can also use the results from our school assessment survey to navigate the rest of the conference. With identified areas of need, you can be more targeted in your selection of breakout sessions.
Reflection and Action Planning
To ensure groups can capture as much content as possible, multiple note taking and reflection guides are included in this program, shared pre-conference both in hard copies and digital formatting. We will also showcase the use of AI technology and walk participants through easy ways to analyze these documents with further recommendation and planning assistance from AI platforms.
Mental Health Summit Breakout Topics
Break out those school assessment surveys and identify which focus areas your school plans to focus on for the 2024-25 school year. This document will serve as your roadmap for selecting which breakout sessions your team plans to attend live and which ones can be viewed at a later time.
A call for presentations will go out seeking schools with programming in place to share their best practice on the following topics:
- Community Resources & Support Networks
- Stress Release, Mindfulness and School/Life Balance
- Effects of Digital Media
- Supporting Students with Chronic Health Issues
- Supporting Students with a Mental Illness Diagnosis
- Depression/Anxiety
- Suicide Awareness and Responsiveness
- Trauma Informed Schools/ACES programming
- Addiction: Indicators and Prevention
Have a great school program or topic to share? We want to hear from you!
Call for Presenter Form (Seeking both Middle Level and High School submissions)
Registration & Cost
Don't wait! Registration is first come, first served and will remain open until September 22 at 3:00 PM or once we hit maximum virtual capacity restrictions. Schools are allowed to register teams comprised inclusive of (6 total attendees for one team price): Principal, Counselor, Student Leadership Adviser and 3 student leaders.mSchools are allowed to register more than 1 team if they plan on registering more than 6 total attendees. MASSP/MASC/MAHS will invoice schools for the total number of teams registered. This form must be completed by a staff member advising the group. The cost for registration is outlined below:
September 24th: (9:30am-2:15pm)
- Location: Your home, office or school building!
- Investment: $249 per team (6 total educators/students) | $49 for additional individual registration
Schools are allowed to register teams comprised of up to (6) educators and students. Schools are allowed to register more than 1 team if they plan on registering more than (6) total educators and students, or add more registrations on an individual basis.
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