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The support your new hires & non-traditional teachers need!

Wouldn’t it be great if every new hire in your district or building had the same support during their first few years of teaching?  In many cases mentoring and new teacher induction programs are inconsistent and don’t allow for a uniform and systemic approach to professional learning that educators need.  Districts are required to provide all new teachers with 15 days of professional development during their first three years of employment. MASSP’s Teacher+ modules allow you to provide ALL new hires with high quality, research based, consistent professional development modules that can be delivered in a way that best meets the needs of your district anytime, anyplace, and at any pace.

The teacher shortage and a re-investment in career and technical education have brought industry experts to our classrooms with technical expertise, but often lacking the knowledge of teaching and learning pedagogy commonly acquired in teacher prep programs. Many principals who have hired non-traditionally certified staff are looking for ways to support these teachers who are often in stand-alone courses and unique subject areas. There may also be situations when a traditionally certified teacher may have a gap in their preparation and more direct support is needed. To meet these needs, MASSP developed the Teacher+ modules that are designed to provide educators the core knowledge, skills, tools, and dispositions necessary to create and enhance teaching and learning in all grade levels, disciplines and learning environments.

What types of modules are available?

The Teacher+ content consists of six carefully crafted online modules that may be accessed by educators statewide via Michigan Virtual in an “on-demand/self-paced” format.  Each of the modules build upon educators’ core knowledge and engage participants in reading, viewing, self-reflection, planning, implementation, and goal setting.

Engaging in continuous learning is paramount when supporting the growth of others and oneself. If you are seeking an authentic and practical learning opportunity, you do not want to miss the chance to engage in the new, Teacher+, on-line learning modules created by team MASSP.  The modules are relevant, flexible, facilitated, and designed with the practitioner in mind. Teacher+ is highly customizable and MASSP will work directly with districts to develop a plan for new teacher induction, support of non-traditionally certified staff and teachers on IDPs in need of improvement.  Please contact MASSP Associate Director of Training & Development, Tom Lietz, to discuss the options: tom@massp.com

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