This section is designed to provide a wide-range of resources from posters, data and research, support, and other useful tools for school and community engagement around anti-vaping. We have labeled the resources as FREE or PAY. If you have other resources that should be added to this section, please Email Tom Lietz.
- Keep my Kids Tobacco Free – Mission: To strengthen Michigan’s tobacco prevention laws, keeping tobacco products out of the hands of youth and helping adults quit. Youth tobacco usage is far too high and we are committed to changing this trend and getting these deadly products out of the hands of Michigan’s young people. The Keep MI Kids Tobacco Free Alliance includes a wide variety of more than 100 public health organizations and associations, hospital systems, education groups and others.
- My Life, My Quit – Free Resource in coordinator from MDHHS (information, resources, and text-based support). My Life, My Quit™ is the free and confidential way to quit smoking or vaping. Text “Start My Quit” to 36072 or click to chat with a Coach. We are here for you every step of the way. It’s YOUR LIFE and we’re here to help you live it YOUR WAY.
- American Lung Association – INDEPTH Adult Training for Alternatives to Suspension and Citation (FREE)
Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (INDEPTH) is a new, convenient alternative to suspension or citation that helps schools and communities address the teen vaping problem in a more supportive way. Instead of solely focusing on punitive measures, INDEPTH is an interactive program that teaches students about nicotine dependence, establishing healthy alternatives and how to kick the unhealthy addiction that got them in trouble in the first place.
- Be Vape Free: 5-12 Resources (CVS Health) and Content, Virtual Field Trips, and Parent Resources (FREE)
The Be Vape Free initiative is a confluence of like-minded organizations who have joined forces to tackle the use of e-cigarettes among our nation’s youth through the creation and distribution of engaging content for grades 5–12 on the risks of e-cigarettes. By leveraging partner resources and working together as a collaborative initiative, we hope to keep students informed on the long-term health risks of vaping. Join our mission to provide educators and pharmacists with the tools to keep students informed in the classroom, and the evidence-based programs that will lead students to make healthy, smart decisions for life.
- Youth Now: General Resources for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors Parents and Communities (FREE)
Youth Now educates, supports and empowers young people. We’re a youth substance use prevention initiative developed by caring adults and local youth, paid for by marijuana tax dollars and other grants. Youth Now offers resources, campaigns, research and other supports for youth, parents, educators and providers. Prevent Coalition and Youth Now bring together community members from all walks of life, even those who have seemingly opposite opinions about substances, to connect and support communities, build resilience and prevent youth substance use.
- US Health and Human Services Tobacco Education Resource Library: Curriculum, Content and Resources for School and Community (FREE)
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products sees a future in which tobacco-related disease is part of America’s past, helping ensure a healthier life for every family. Our aim for this resource center is to help advance this vision by providing science-based, accessible materials to adults who positively influence our youth’s lives.
- Michigan Cares: Social Emotional Supports (FREE)
From learning how to set and achieve goals to making responsible decisions, Michigan Cares guides students to turn struggles into strategies. When asked what would help students, educators often note the need for life skills like making responsible decisions in the classroom, feeling and showing empathy for others, and developing healthy coping techniques. These are just a handful of real-life concerns that Michigan Cares addresses in 1,300+ lessons. Michigan Cares is available at no cost to all Michigan schools and districts.
- Vaping is Nicotine: General Resources and Information for Administrators, Counselors, and Community (PAY)
Early in 2018, Alison Cox and Sandra Parker partnered with Livingston County Catholic Charities to collaborate on an anti-vaping grant offered by the Tobacco Section of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. The goals of the grant included, advocating for anti-vaping ordinances, encouraging schools to adopt “vape-free” campuses, and providing education on the dangers of youth vaping. A resource manual was developed and distributed to schools and community partners to educate youth and their parents on the dangers of vaping. Youth actively participated in the creation of a media campaign. The media campaign, Vaping is Nicotine, included billboards, posters, and community presentations. Danielle joined the Regional Vaping Initiative in 2021 and the team began partnering with Community Mental Health Partnership of Southeast Michigan to continue their important work, bringing awareness to the vaping epidemic.
- The Truth Initiative: General Information and Curriculum (FREE)
We give young people the facts about smoking, vaping, nicotine and the tobacco industry, engage individuals and groups to make change in their communities, innovate ways to end nicotine addiction and join forces with collaborators committed to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are a thing of the past. This includes articles, information, curriculum (PAYWALL) and tools.
- American Heart Association Tobacco Free School Toolkit (FREE)
This toolkit was designed to help school districts respond to the youth tobacco/ vaping epidemic.The toolkit assists schools in creating a tobacco-free environment that helps prevent students from using tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, and support students who need help quitting. The toolkit includes model language for the adoption, implementation and enforcement of a 100% tobacco-free school district policy.Also included are recommendations for evidence-informed programs to educate students about the dangers of tobacco, provide alternatives to suspension when a student is found using a tobacco or nicotine product, and offer tobacco cessation strategies for youth.
- Care of SE Michigan (FREE)
Our mission is to strengthen resiliency in people and their communities through prevention, education, and services that improve the quality of life.
- Everfi (FREE)
Everfi has a free Vaping classes and other addiction courses that can be assigned to students in grades 8-12.
- Vape Educate (PAY)
VapeEducate is a program initially designed to be completed by middle and high school students. However, it can benefit anyone interested in learning more about e-cigarettes, vaping, and Juuling. It can also be an educational program for teachers, parents, and other community members. The program is designed to be a tool that provides supplemental material to educate students about vaping.
- Become an Ex-Smoker: Resources, plans and materials to assist in ending addiction (PAY)
Creates a customized plan for users to break addiction and move forward.
- Prime for Life: Support, Motivation and Courses to support ending substance abuse (PAY)
Prime For Life® provides a judgment-free way of understanding how alcohol and drug-related problems develop, what we can do to prevent them, and why sometimes we need help.
- Anti-vaping Informational Poster: St. Joseph Mercy Health
Informational Poster
- Ten16 Recovery Network (PAY)
We promote recovery and wellness at every stage of substance misuse through shared experience, proven steps, and supportive accountability.
- Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Informational, advocacy. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids is the leading advocacy organization working to reduce tobacco use and its deadly consequences in the United States and around the world. Through strategic communications and policy advocacy campaigns, we promote the adoption of proven solutions that are most effective at reducing tobacco use and save the most lives.