The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services’ Tobacco Prevention and Control Division offers valuable resources specifically tailored for school leaders tackling youth vaping. Below you’ll find a curated collection of tools, data, and prevention strategies developed by our state health experts to support your school’s anti-vaping initiatives.
These evidence-based resources have been selected to provide you with both immediate intervention tools and long-term prevention strategies that align with Michigan’s public health guidelines. Each resource has been reviewed for its practical application in school settings and is clearly marked as a free or paid resource to help you plan effectively.
To request technical assistance from MDHHS with reducing youth vaping in schools, please email MDHHS-TobaccoSection@michigan.gov. MDHHS has a multitude of resources for schools at Michigan.gov/Tobacco; including but not limited to:
- Fact Sheet – Reevaluating Suspension Policies and Vape Detectors in K-12 Schools: Exploring Alternatives for Better Outcomes (Feb.2025)
- Tobacco Free Michigan and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Tobacco Section partnered to create a new fact sheet on the concerns about K-12 schools using vape detectors and other punitive measures to address student vaping. The fact sheet discusses why these punitive measures may not be the most effective approach and encourages a supportive approach.
- How to Quit Tobacco
- Bigger, stronger, and cheaper: Disposable e-cigarettes have more nicotine and are more accessible than ever
- Youth have easy access to e-cigarettes online through lax age verification and concealed deliveries
- K-12 Michigan Tobacco Report Card: Tobacco-Free Report Card – Michigan K-12 Public School Districts, 2023
- Michigan K-12 Schools Model Policy
- MDHHS Model Code of conduct
- CDC’s why to use Alternative to Suspension
- Curriculum:
- Tobacco: Tobacco Prevention Toolkit | Tobacco Prevention Toolkit | Stanford Medicine
- Vaping: You and Me, Together Vape-Free Curriculum | Tobacco Prevention Toolkit | Stanford Medicine
- Michigan Model of Health (Tobacco Section partners): HOME | Michigan Model for Health™
- Cannabis: Cannabis Awareness & Prevention Toolkit | Cannabis Awareness and Prevention Toolkit | Stanford Medicine
- Youth centered and vaping:
- Michigan: My Life My Quit
- Other:
- Alternative to Suspensions
- Disposal: How to Safely Dispose of E-Cigarettes: Information for Individuals | US EPA