L2L Webinar: Don’t Innovate Alone!

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L2L Webinar: Don't Innovate Alone!


April 16, 2025 – April 16, 2025
3:30 PM – 4:45 PM





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Want to reimagine educational leadership for innovation in schools – we all want it, but how can we achieve it? In this webinar, participants will name and grow their own innovations in an intentionally facilitated, small-group setting. We will define the tenets of Leadership Coaching for Innovation, introduce participants to a series of targeted tools to boost imaginative, innovative thinking, and foster transformational change. Participants will explore and practice with these tools and strategies so that they leave with resources and actions to carry their innovations forward.

Who Should Attend

Principals, Assistant Principals, & Central Office Leaders

MASSP Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made ten (10) business days or more in advance of the training date, will receive a 100% refund. Cancellations made after this date, including no-shows, are nonrefundable. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual by contacting the MASSP office at (517) 327-5315.

In the event that MASSP must cancel a training due to unforeseen circumstances, including inclement weather, participants will be refunded the cost of registration or may credit the fee toward an upcoming training. MASSP does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging.

Dr. Tovah Sheldon

School Design Strategist