MASSP offers a variety of learning opportunities centered around instructional best practices. Educators know that the heart and soul of teaching and learning stem from relevant and rigorous instruction that takes place whether it be in the classroom or online. Choose one of the available workshops MASSP is offering to learn more about these opportunities.
At the heart of every classroom is its students. What teachers say, the values we express, the materials and activities we choose, and the skills we prioritize all influence how students think, see themselves, and interact with content and with each other. Unfortunately when we are anxious, overwhelmed, fearful, worried, and/or sad, we often fail to consider and address the social and emotional learning needs of our students. In this workshop, participants explore how to leverage 8 cultural forces that define our classrooms to build a student-centered learning environment no matter the approach to learning, discipline, or grade level you teach.
Improve learning through strategies to help participants better understand the role of performance tasks and success criteria for learning targets, and formative assessment practices that advance student learning. Participants explore: multiple types of performance tasks and success criteria for four types of learning target; how students can use the success criteria to self assess, set learning goals, and progress monitor; and practical strategies teachers can use to formatively assess and collect evidence of student learning throughout instruction, in order to make in-the-moment adjustments and plan future lessons.
Gradual Release of Responsibility is a powerful model of instruction when the complexity of teaching is understood. The model allows the learners to gain content knowledge, explore and apply the learned content, and move towards independence. Participants explore how gradual release fits within a lesson, a day, a unit and a year through purposeful and intentional teaching in the areas of a workshop, interactive lecture and close reading.
Learning requires educators intentionally design learning based on the needs of their students in relationship to state standards and the district curriculum. This workshop walks participants through a structured process for identifying what students need to learn within a lesson, how each student will demonstrate s/he learned the target(s), what criteria must be met to be considered successful in a single lesson and the tasks and materials students will engage within the selected instructional model (interactive lecture, workshop, and/or close reading) for the purpose of the lesson.
Explore various instructional models and routines that empower students to engage in complex thinking through direct instruction, guided instruction, and collaborative and independent practice. Discover lesson planning architectures, strategies and techniques that can be instantly applied to classroom practices regardless of content or grade level. Increase students achievement through motivation, engagement, fun and inspiration.
Asking questions is a skill and getting students to ask their own questions takes time and intentional teaching. Throughout this interactive learning experience participants learn various strategies and skills that transform both instruction and student dialogue. Increase the rigor in lessons by supporting learners, moving from talking as a task to purposeful and collaborative dialogue.
If we have learned anything about learning this school year, it is that getting (and keeping) kids engaged is our biggest hurdle. As a secondary administrator, how can you support your teachers in moving toward more inherently motivating, academically rigorous learning experiences? The Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA), General Education Leadership Network (GELN) and Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP) are proud to announce a learning series built for secondary administrators looking to increase student motivation and engagement, as well as literacy skills, across all content areas.
To see the available learning options, please click here
If you are need of any of these learning opportunities or have additional questions, please contact:
Colin Ripmaster
(517) 327-5315