From our Partner in Education: Versiti Blood Centers of Michigan 

Did you know that 1 in every 7 people will need blood in their lifetime? With a number that large and considering it can't be manufactured, you can imagine how important blood donation is. Versiti Blood Center of Michigan is special – as the blood provider to many hospitals across the state, a donation with us could save the life of a student, family member or one day even you!

Many people don't know how important blood donation really is until it hits closer to home. But we're trying to engage with the next generation of blood donors and help people understand how vital and lifesaving their efforts can be.

That's where Junior Leaders for Life comes in! This program is designed to engage with K-8 students who are too young to donate but can interact with our mission in other ways. This program is extremely flexible and can be adapted to best suit the needs of the students and the involvement of the school. In the past, our team has put together mini lessons in partnership with science classes as an introduction to blood donation or partnered with English classes to have the students write persuasive essays asking people to donate.

We are very excited to roll out some much-needed updates to our Junior Leaders for Life program this year! Though we aren't quite ready to share the details yet, we can say that there will be some new prizes for your students and school, as well as some other fun additions to keep students engaged. Keep an eye out for these exciting updates by checking in with your Versiti Account Rep or visiting our website for more details about the program and how to get involved!

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Promotion for blood donation from Versiti