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The House and Senate were both in Lansing for just one day this week (the first of only two session days each chamber has scheduled between now and the election), but that didn't stop each of them from passing some education bills. The Senate passed…
As the front line responders in a crisis, Principal voice is essential in all matters surrounding school safety. In order to elevate the voice of building administrators, we are asking for your help to move MASSP to a more proactive position so we…
As we reported in our inaugural edition of The More You Know last week, the Michigan Legislature has largely peaced out until after the election with the exception of a couple of session days scheduled for late September…but MDE is still around and…
You like getting your political news in 5 sentences. We like giving you your political news in 5 sentences. But occasionally, you need more. That's where "The More You Know" comes in. This new, occasional feature will go beyond a recap of the week's…
The passage of HB 4375 and the recent changes to Michigan's retirement law combined with the ongoing educator shortage have left some schools scrambling to fill vacancies this school year. In an effort to help districts fill the gap, MASSP has…
It's back to school time! As we typically do at this time of the year, MASSP is here to review what new laws and requirements Principals will want to be aware of as they enter the new school year. There are several issues worth noting for 2022-23,…
The Michigan Legislature has passed SB 845, the 2022-23 K-12 budget and it's pretty much all really good news. There are big increases in the foundation allowance, At Risk, and special education funding. Those are coupled with big investments in…
The Michigan Legislature is now on their summer recess and likely won't be back until September, so it's time to review what they got done and what they left undone in the last week before they skipped town. The biggest item with a check mark next…
Michigan schools are getting a new, simplified set of rules for employing retired educators. Under HB 4375 and 5536, any educator could retire and return to work at a school in any position without earning limits or pension penalties provided they…
On Tuesday, the House Education Committee kicked of the week by voting out SB 600-603,  a quartet of bills aimed at restricting the ability of local districts, local health departments, and the State of Michigan from imposing COVID-19 vaccination,…
With billions of additional dollars to spend, you might think it would be easier, not harder, to finalize a budget, but that just goes to show that you aren't the Governor or a member of the Michigan Legislature…the short version of this story is…
The Legislature sent HB 5190 to Governor Whitmer's desk this week, where she is expected to sign it. The bill will amend the MMC to add a new half credit personal finance (or what Michigan's current high school content standards refer to as…