Michigan Virtual’s summer programming can combat the “summer slide” and prepare your students for the upcoming school year. Summer learning loss has always been a concern among administrators, and now more than ever, offering students skill-building opportunities before the 2021–2022 school year is imperative.

Schools can use their GEERS allocations to fund most Michigan Virtual summer programming. In addition to offering customizable course options, schools and districts are eligible for discounted course pricing with a summer partnership agreement.

Visit Michigan Virtual’s website to learn more about how they can help you set up an online summer school program in your school or district. Keep reading to learn about the engaging summer options for middle school students.

1. Help students meet grade-level expectations in math & English

Algebra 1 is the single most failed course in high school. Are your middle school students ready? 

Target knowledge gaps in math and English and prepare students for their next grade level with EdReady. Following Common Core State Standards, EdReady Math permits students to self-assess for mastery of grade-level knowledge and skills. It uses diagnostic testing to establish personalized study paths to fill in learning gaps and to reinforce understanding. 

Students are drawn to the variety of topic-specific, media-rich resources, including an embedded glossary. Each EdReady Math goal contains between 20–80 learning topics to prepare students for readiness for the next grade level.

EdReady Math topics include:

Grade 6

  • Understanding exponents and square roots
  • Order of operations
  • Simplifying ratios and rates
  • Perimeter and area
  • Graphic data and types of graphs
  • Measures of centers
  • Variables and expressions
  • Integers
  • The coordinate plane

Grade 7

  • Estimation with decimals
  • Understanding proportions
  • Solve percent problems
  • Perimeter, Circumference, and area of circles
  • Probability
  • Solving one-step equations
  • Solving one-step inequalities

Grade 8

  • The Pythagorean Theorem
  • Rational and real numbers
  • Adding and subtracting real numbers
  • Multiplying and dividing real numbers
  • Associative, commutative, and distributive laws
  • Solving multistep equations
  • Scientific notation
  • Slope and writing the equation of a line

EdReady English begins at grade 8 and includes five goals with up to 26 learning topics, such as using sources for critical reading, interpreting bias, and exploring comparative elements.

Learn more about the EdReady Math and English programs.

2. Give 8th-grade students an early start

For students who have demonstrated mastery of middle school math, summer can be an opportunity to earn high school credit. Students who finished 8th grade this spring are able to register for the Michigan Virtual summer Algebra 1 course.

3. Offer credit-bearing online courses

Michigan Virtual is also offering four 10-week online courses for middle school students. Enrollment is open now, and the summer session begins in June.

Character Education

This course teaches students practical skills to understand and manage their emotions, set goals, get organized, understand and get along with others in a diverse world, and make good decisions. Research shows that people who practice these skills have greater academic achievement as students and experience more success and satisfaction as adults.

Computer Basics (Google Suite)

Students learn how to use productivity and collaboration tools, such as G Suite by Google Cloud, to create word processing documents, spreadsheets, surveys, and forms. Students will also learn what it means to be a good digital citizen and explore Internet safety.

Guitar 1A & Guitar 1B

Students learn the fundamentals of music and the basic skills necessary to play a wide variety of music styles. Each step of this journey leads toward becoming a skilled guitarist and musician.

Learn more about Michigan Virtual’s online courses.

Also interested in improving students’ emotional intelligence and well-being?

If social emotional learning has been on your to-do list, Michigan Virtual can help. Consider implementing the Suite360 program to meet your students’ social and emotional needs. More than 600 urgent topics are covered, including:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Racial intolerance
  • Gender discrimination
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Bystander intervention
  • Stress management
  • Social awareness
  • And more!

Administrators who have implemented Suite360 explain that the program provides their school with meaningful data to inform conversations with school personnel and families.

Chris Arrington, principal at Marion Public Schools, said, “I think for us when we talk about helping kids and parents deal with tough topics and conversations … from our estimation, that the tech platform of 360 evens the playing field between the haves and have nots.”

Learn more about Suite360.

Register now

For many middle school administrators, summer is a time to reset goals, innovate, connect with stakeholders, collaborate with staff and students, and, of course, prepare for the upcoming school year. 

Michigan Virtual is here to help. Early summer enrollment is encouraged, as we anticipate higher demand than usual this year. Contact Michigan Virtual today for more information.