The 2021-2022 school year was not a surprise, we all knew it was coming, and it was approaching with a vengeance! 

Warren Consolidated Schools (WCS) middle school principals prepared for the school year assuming students would be disengaged, shy, scared, and anxious.  September 13, 2021, starts the third week of school and students have displayed the complete opposite behaviors at Carter Middle School.  Our students have proven to be resilient, brave, and excited to return to school.  Staff quickly realized that students may have forgotten the importance of a structured academic routine and appropriate social interactions.  It has become very apparent that we need to go back to the basics.

All four middle schools in WCS agreed to focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for the first 6 days of school.  Principals were trained by the district STARR Certified Trauma & Resilience Trainers and subsequently principals provided training and support for teachers to plan SEL lessons in their Professional Learning Groups that provided students with multiple strategies to assist with the transition back to the traditional classroom environment.  Students need additional time to adjust to being back in school for seven hours a day.  It is imperative that students are given tools and strategies to work through difficult academic, mental, and social situations that surface throughout a full face-to-face school day. 

Our goal for this year revolves around building a sizable district wide SEL toolbox for staff to use throughout the school year. Here are some resources, strategies, and tools that Warren Consolidated schools have found useful to launch the 2021-2022 school year:

Written by Amy Hendry, Principal at Carter Middle School and MASSP Board of Directors Representative