Deepens participants’ knowledge of the vision of high quality instruction from the lens of specific dimension(s) within CEL’s 5 Dimensions of Teaching and Learning instructional framework. This training digs deeper into the vision and best practices defined within specific indicators of the 5D+ Teacher Evaluation Rubric. The session is tailored to the strengths and needs of the unique stakeholders, in order to help teachers, school leaders and district administrators develop their vision for powerful, equitable days teaching and learning. Participants leave the training with the knowledge and skills to apply their learning to daily problem solving in lesson design, moment-to-moment classroom instruction and assessment. Below are options for each session:
Participants develop a vision for rubric indicators connected with planning and facilitating purposeful instruction that are based on standards, and include daily learning targets, performance tasks and success criteria. During this session, participants explore the role of a teacher in designing and aligning components of a lesson to state standards, broader purpose and transferable skills based on student learning needs (academic background, life experiences, culture and language).
Student Engagement
Participants develop a vision for rubric indicators connected with rigorous intellectual work, engagement strategies and student talk. During this session, participants explore the role of a teacher in supporting all students in accessing content and engaging in subject-matter-specific thinking/doing, in order to build student ownership and independence with targeted concepts and skills.
Curriculum & Pedagogy
Participants develop a vision for rubric indicators connected to supporting all students in accessing content and engaging in subject-matter-specific thinking/doing, in order to build student ownership and independence with targeted concepts and skills. During this session, participants examine the role of the teacher in knowing, organizing and facilitating curriculum and instruction around major concepts within a discipline, as well as supporting all students in accessing content and engaging in subject-matter-specific thinking/doing so that students develop independence with targeted concepts/skills.
Assessment for Student Learning
Participants develop a vision for rubric indicators connected to facilitating strategic instruction based on formative assessment. During today’s session, participants examine the role of formative assessment by teachers in planning and facilitating instruction, and students in self assessing and progress monitoring their learning.
Classroom Environment & Culture
Participants develop a vision for rubric indicators connected with a learning-oriented classroom culture and use these. During this session, participants explore how to set up the physical environment to promote and scaffold independence and ownership, classroom routines and rituals promote community, equity and accountability for learning, and classroom culture based upon relationships that promote high expectations and inclusivity while reducing issues of status promote risk-taking and collaboration.