Why do I have to pay a $500 application fee?
Just like a collegiate program, the Path to Leadership program has several admission requirements, including an application fee. The fee covers the staff time required to review each applicant’s documentation and create a tailored IDP for each participant. Just like at the collegiate level, the fee is non-refundable for participants who choose not to move forward with the program.

How often do Cohorts run?
MASSP runs a new Cohort every 6-8 weeks, which equates to approximately 5-6 Cohorts per calendar year. Information on each subsequent Cohort is posted after the previous deadline has passed.

How will I know if I am accepted?
Applicants are not guaranteed acceptance. The Path to Leadership program accepts qualified participants on a first-come, first-serve basis prior to each Cohort deadline. All application submissions are monitored and include time and date stamps. MASSP reserves the right to deny or defer any program applicants due to qualifications or space. Candidates who are accepted to the program will be notified via email once the Cohort has reached capacity or the application deadline has passed.

Can I comp out of taking some of the Modules?
It’s possible – this is why all applicants are required to submit an application, resume, transcripts and portfolio information (if available). All of this information is used to determine if the applicant has met the State Standards which are addressed in each of the program Modules. Each participant is supplied with an IDP that lays out the program for him/her with what courses (if any) have been waived and which are required. Please do not ask for information regarding this without applying to the program.

How do I access the application and apply?
Please be sure to follow the steps (in order) listed on the back page of the Program Guide.

How do I pay for the Modules?
Payment for the program is made per Module at the beginning of each course. Payment is made online via Michigan Virtual’s Professional Learning Portal.

Does this program satisfy the state requirements to get the administrator certificate?
The Path to Leadership program is the only MDE-approved program to offer a statewide recognized K-12 administrator certificate. It’s the same certificate you’d receive by completing a program through a college or university – just in a shorter timeframe and at a significantly lower cost.

Will any of my previous masters courses be applied to any of the modules?
Masters level courses are taken into consideration, which is why we require official copies of your transcripts during the application process. Sometimes courses easily correlate between your transcript and our program, but oftentimes additional documentation and experience is required in order to comp from a Module.

How long does the program take/is it self-paced?
The program can be completed with a cohort in just over one year. Candidates are given the flexibility to spread the courses over a two-year period. On occasion, candidates may take two courses at the same time.

Will I be issued a 1098-T for tax purposes?
No. The Path to Leadership program is not deemed an eligible educational institution by the IRS.

Is financial aid offered?
Unfortunately, no. The Path to Leadership program is not deemed an eligible educational institution and therefore participants do not qualify for student loans. Participants in need of assistance generally take out a private loan or dedicate a credit card to the cover the cost of the program.

Why do I have to do an internship if I work in a school?
MASSP’s Path to Leadership program provides participants with a K-12 administrator certificate. We believe that it is our duty to prepare all participants for an administrative experience in a traditional school setting, whether it be elementary, middle level or high school. Participants who are currently sitting administrators in a traditional setting are waived from the internship, as they are earning the experience every day. Participants who are teachers, in central office or hold a non-traditional administrative position will be required to complete an internship at a maximum of 400 hours. For more information, please review the program’s Internship Guide.

Have additional questions?
If you have additional questions, please contact Tammy Jackson in the MASSP Path to Leadership office using the information below. For technical issues related to the online learning platform, please contact Michigan Virtual directly at (888) 882-2840.

Path to Leadership Office
Email: tammy@massp.com