MASSP’s Path to Leadership Program (PTL) is fully approved by the Michigan Department of Education and is the only alternative route to earn the K-12 Administrator Certificate with the Building Level Endorsement (ES). The program is designed by principals for principals.
PTL is fully aligned with the Michigan Standards for the Preparation of Building Level Administrators and the National Leadership Standards for Building Level Administrators (NELPS). The content of the PTL Program is immediately applicable to the role of a building principal.
PTL is 100% online and asynchronous. The program includes eight learning modules and a 240-hour internship. Once accepted into the program, participants are provided an individualized learning plan outlining the courses they are required to complete. It is possible to be exempt from a module if you possess graduate coursework in the standards of that module.
Module Titles:
• Module One: Creating an Inclusive Culture and Environment for Learning
• Module Two: Visionary Leadership for Educational Change and Improvement
• Module Three: Elements and Evaluation of Highly Effective Instruction
• Module Four: Improving Instructional Programs and Learning for All Students
• Module Five: Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment for Student Learning
• Module Six: Principles of Public School Law
• Module Seven: Principles of School Improvement
• Module Eight: Human Resources and Finance
PTL participants have the option to complete the program in one year with a cohort or spread the program over a two-year period.